The rapidly-growing business has encouraged PT Bangun Tjipta Sarana (BTS) that was founded on January 28, 1969, to diversify its line of business and evolve into a leading business group that comprises over 25 subsidiaries. One of them is PT Bangun Cipta Kontraktor (BCK), established on October 17, 1977, engages in the development of high-rise buildings, real estate, dams, irrigation, roads, bridges, wharfs, water treatment plants and waste management projects.

By relying on the capability of its highly dedicated human resources, and the unfailing commitment to national development, BCK has become a leading player in the construction industry. In line with its growth, BCK had gained the trust and confidence from the government, the finance world, and the public. And to enhance its performance, BCK has applied ISO and OHSAS standardization.

Equipped with qualified human resources as its main asset, the use of modern technology, and a sound management, BCK is poised for greater achievements in delivering quality products and services that meet customers’ expectations and satisfaction.

BCK’s achievements to date are the result of the support from the partners, project owners, financial institutions and good cooperation with the partners, suppliers and sub-contractors not to mention the dedication and excellent work-ethic of the employees.

To this end, as the President Commissioner of BCK, I would like to express my deepest gratitude. May BCK be able to improve its performance in the years to come.
